Author Archives: cwagner

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Evangel Baptist Church, Houghton MI

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Dear Father,

What is with You?  Are You amazing or what?  You are Gramazin!

I go to church after church after church and I find language that begs for the sharing of testimonies about You.  My visit to Evangel Baptist Church of Houghton MI was no different.  They write:

We want to meet you where you are and we desire to respectfully, graciously, and patiently help you process the good news of Jesus that really changes lives. Whoever you are, wherever you’re from, we welcome you…Throughout the world, people from every ethnicity, background, and homeland follow Jesus. Our local gathering, just like millions of others around the world, is a place where lives are transformed by the God who has saved us.

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Houghton Baptist Church, Houghton MI

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Dear Father,

I thank You for the blog article published on March 15, 2016 by Pastor David Whitaker, of Houghton Baptist Church of Houghton MI.  In it, he writes:

Through this process, it’s important for us to remember that God will finish what He has started. That He will lead us through each step and when things seem unclear we need to take a step back and wait on Him. It’s not easy waiting but some of our greatest rewards in this life come from waiting and being patient with God’s timing.

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Hope Baptist Church, Toledo OH

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Dear Father,

I thank You for the welcome video shared by Pastor Rick Sowell on the website of Hope Baptist Church of Toledo, OH.

Rick says in the video:

The more that life changes the more important it is that we have something that provides stability to us and that’s what the word of God does.  It gives us old answers that apply to every situation even in the life we live today keeps us on course gives us the direction we need to go.

Father, for those who love Your Word, is there anything better than a testimony that shares the power of Your Word to change lives?  If the Word has given us stability, we need to share it with others.  If the Word gives us answers to every situation in life, we need to share how it has with others.  If Your Word keeps us on course and gives us the direction we need to go, we need to share it with others.  Father, may all believers, at Hope Baptist Church of Toledo, and across the US, who credit Your Word for changing their lives, share their stories on their church’s website.

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Grace United Methodist Church, Houghton MI

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Dear Father,

I thank You for the ministry of Grace United Methodist Church of Houghton, MI.

Father, like many of Your churches, Grace United, under the leadership of Pastor Chuck Williams, shares their sermon audio on their website.  I ask that lives will be transformed because of the sermons that this church shares online.  I pray not only for this church but for all the churches in America that share their sermons.  May people who need to hear the messages You give pastors hear these messages.  May the congregations in each of these churches not take this opportunity for granted but share wonderful messages with their friends who are searching for answers.

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Grace Church, Stamford CT

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Dear Father,

The Grace Church of Stamford CT writes on their website:

We are God’s fellow workers and we partner with him by taking the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world, beginning with our local sphere of social relationships. Grace Church Stamford seeks to foster a heart of ministry by the example of a godly life and active evangelism.

Father, I am convinced – few things will build a heart for ministry, convey an example of a godly life, and reach out into the community like an inspired and shared testimony of how You have transformed a life.  It’s good for the person who shares and it’s good the person who reads.

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Grace Evangelical Free Church, Stamford, CT

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Dear Father,

I stumbled across the website of Grace Evangelical Free Church of Stamford, CT.  I watched their video.


Father, all of these messages in the video resonated with my heart about churches sharing testimonies:

Love people
Make disciples
Home to so many different people
Love the city – share important message
Brokenness is what the gospel is all about
He can heal our brokenness
Hope in our struggles
Rest for the weary
Live life to the maximum
God cares for cities
God cares about the people in a city
Issues people face are addressed by the gospel of christ
A blueprint
Gospel greatest story
Radically changes people lives
Proclaim message of hope
See lives change
Celebrates the gospel
Embraces life changing power
Become a part of the movement
Life to life issues
We desire to love god, love people, develop spiritual friendships
A journey with Jesus
Changing the city of Stamford.

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Evangelical Christian Church, Waterbury CT

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Dear Father,

I thank You for the wording on the website of the Evangelical Christian Church of Waterbury CT.  They write:

To reach and influence the world by building a large Christ-centered, Bible-based church, changing mindsets and empowering people to lead and impact in every sphere of life….Christ is Alive. The Word of God is alive in our daily walk. Our faith is alive in our actions as we reach those who are seeking or those who are lost. This is what we want to see: a church that reaches those in spiritual need.

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Union Baptist Church, Hartford CT

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Dear Father,

I thank You for the work You are doing at Union Baptist Church in Hartford, CT.  In particular, they have posted on their website their desire to overturn darkness by feeding, clothing, and providing shelter for people in crisis.  They desire to minister to the sick and incarcerated.  Such a mission reflects Your heart.

I pray for blessings on their outreach ministry.  I pray people all over Hartford will find hope in You because of the work they do to care for hurting people.  I ask that You will inspire people within the church to share their testimonies, with one another, and with the people of Hartford.

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First Presbyterian Church North Shore, Ipswich MA

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Dear Father,

I thank You for the opportunity to visit, on Sunday March 13, 2016, the First Presbyterian Church Northshore in Ipswich MA.  I sensed a genuine love for You and for others and a transparency and humility of spirit.

On their website they write:

Extend to everyone…We believe the gospel of Jesus Christ is a life changing message communicated in word and deed, locally and globally.  We seek to love our neighbors as ourselves in the house next door or a people across the globe.

Father, You do change lives and that message does need to be shared, by serving others in crisis (volunteering/deed) and by the sharing of testimonies (word).  I pray that churches like First Presbyterian Church Northshore will publish testimonies on their websites.  I pray also for a wave of volunteering to sweep American churches.  Father, I’m not asking for people to volunteer internally within the church, though of course I ask that You meet those needs.  I’m asking for believers to go out into their community, volunteering to help people in all kinds of crises.  It is  the communication of Your life changing message through deed.

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Grace Church, West Hartford CT

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Dear Father,

I thank You for the transparency found on the website of Grace Church of West Hartford CT!

Their About Us description of adversity the church has faced is refreshing.  Father, every believer is a story of human struggle and Your grace.  I believe this church has set an example that believers can be transparent – “Here’s my past, here’s how God has shown His love, and here’s how I love Him even more now.”

I pray for Your blessings on this church.  Fill the church with people who need to be spiritually rescued by You.  May those individuals flourish in this church home.  I pray You will create more testimonies and I pray that the people with such stories share them with others.

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