Author Archives: cwagner

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Calvary Chapel, Morgantown, VA

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Dear Father,

I thank You for the dedication of the leaders of Calvary Chapel of Morgantown VA.

They write on their website:

Our services are casual and everyone is welcome. It’s like spending time with family, so bring your Bible, your questions about God and join us as we journey through the Word together.

Father, the members of a family know each others stories.  The children understand what the parents are going through.  The parents understand the issues in the children’s lives.  Siblings share their joys and sorrows with one another.  In a loving family, all have support for one another.

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Oak Ridge Baptist Church, Salisbury MD

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Dear Father,

In my search for testimonies published on church websites across America, I came upon the website of Oak Ridge Baptist Church of Salisbury, MD.  I was blessed by browsing the articles Pastor Brian Moss has published on his blog, especially The Top 10 Characteristics of the Average Unchurched Family.

I ask Your blessings upon Brian’s blog.  I pray lives will be touched and blessed by his articles.  I pray for Your blessings on the church’s counseling and Celebrate Recovery ministries.

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North Buffalo Community Church, Buffalo NY

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Dear Father,

I thank You for Your work through the people of North Buffalo Community Church of Buffalo NY.  I thank You for this slogan that appears on their website:

“Sharing God’s Love with You”

Father, that is what sharing a testimony is all about.  It is an act of sharing Your love.  It is a gift.  We don’t share our testimonies to reflect our own goodness.  We share our testimonies to tell others about Your love for rebellious, broken, insecure, and weak people, people just like us.

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Northside Church, Richmond VA

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Dear Father,

I came across the website of Northside Church of Richmond VA.  It is a church plant in a community that understands hardship.

Father, I was touched by this language on their website:

This group is from different walks and stages of life, with varied stories, backgrounds and interests. But the group is held together by one common bond: none of us has it all together and all of us are hopeless apart from Jesus.

Amen!!!!!  What a call for testimonies!!!

May the Spirit that inspired that text bless Northside Church with an abundance of testimonies – testimonies that touch and transform lives.  I pray they will set an example for churches far and wide for how the power of testimonies can bring hope and healing to people crying out for You.

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Williamsburg Christian Church, Williamsburg VA

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Dear Father,

I was blessed by reading the values of Williamsburg Christian Church of Williamsburg VA as published on their website.

They write:

  • All people can be redeemed and restored because of what God has done in Jesus Christ.
  • We go where others are and join what the Spirit is already doing among them. Mission is a way of seeing people, being genuinely interested in them, and wanting their lives to be made whole. But unlike Jesus, most of us have homes, jobs, and families. Therefore we must be intentional and habitual as we bear witness to God’s kingdom and step out as every day people living in every day places to meet those who want God’s peace.
  • Our American culture tempts us to keep to ourselves in isolation or keep others at a comfortable distance. Consequently, we live among people in close proximity but lack neighborliness. We have come to realize that for our lives to flourish we must live in close community as good neighbors to all who live among us.
  • In meaningful community and an awareness of our common need for God, we can eventually take the risk of exposing our hearts. We believe that “admitting our sin” is not the first step in a one-time transaction for salvation, but a life-long practice of opening oneself to God for healing. Because being honest is more important than being right, we seek to practice this kind of vulnerability in our life together as God’s children.

Father, I love this language. A church publishing testimonies is a way to “step out as every day people living in every day places to meet those who want God’s peace.” Where are those people who want peace? Searching online for help! A carefully tagged testimony can be found by people searching in their moment of despair.

Father, what can be better to help believers break out of isolation than to expose their hearts, embrace vulnerability, and share their testimonies?

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Immanuel Bible Church, Springfield VA

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Dear Father,

I thank You for the growth of Immanuel Bible Church of Springfield VA. As You have done so many times, You took a small group of people in 1964 and You built their devotion into a large congregation with a multitude of services and ministries in 2016.

Father, You are God. The amazing God. There is nothing You can’t do. I am just one man. A broken man. A weak man. However, I am also a redeemed man. I am devoted to the calling You have given me – to encourage churches around the US to publish testimonies on their church websites. I am planting seeds every day, praying for churches around the US. I’m trusting that You are making those seeds grow. I am trusting that You, as a result of these seeds, will encourage more and more people to share their testimonies, inside of Your church and outside of Your church, on church websites, with a hurting world who is searching for hope on Google. People are searching for answers in situations of grief, financial crisis, health crisis, depression, addiction, domestic violence, crisis pregnancy, and more. You have saved people from all kinds of adversity. Let them tell Your stories!

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Lakeshore Community Church, Rochester NY

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Dear Father,

A church is a collection of stories of people whose lives are being transformed by You. Each story is fluid, being written by You, the Author of life. More chapters are being added in every life. Therefore, a church is not about a building. A church is about what You are doing inside the building.

Lakeshore Community Church of Rochester, NY writes on their website:

While buildings don’t change lives, what happens inside them does! The goal is to create an environment where people can seek God at their own pace, find help for life today, and the promise of eternal life. This is how Lakeshore is playing a small part in God’s big story.

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The Life Church, Towson MD

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Dear Father,

The folks at The Life Church of Towson MD write on their website:

At TLC we aren’t only concerned about coming to a place called a church. We’re passionate about living out what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ in everyday life. That means we focus on establishing a relationship with God and then demonstrating that unique relationship in real, others-centered ways, in Towson and beyond… So we really do care about you and your life. Whether it’s just beginning or is continuing, we desire to help you grow in your relationship with God.

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City Lights Church, Scranton PA

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Dear Father,

I thank You for the dedication to blogging of the folks at City Lights Church of Scranton PA.

Ben Hailstone writes in the February 16, 2016 article “We Have Been Chosen“:

We need to walk in the reality of what He sees us as. If we keep thinking we are sinners we will keep sinning. Yes, we were once children of wrath; we were dead in our trespasses, but by the grace and mercy of God we are made alive. Let’s start walking in the reality that we have been called and chosen to be holy and blameless.

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Concord Liberty Church, Glen Mills PA

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Dear Father,

I love seeing church websites that welcome the unchurched, the hurting, and the despairing!

I believe the Concord Liberty Church website is such a website.  The Glenn Mills, PA church writes:

Come as Visitors – Leave as Friends – Return as Family

Facing a tough road?  We have people who will walk alongside you. Through one-to-one caring and confidential relationships, they visit, listen and offer Christian love and encouragement to those who are hurting and going through difficult times.

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