The Family Church, McAllen TX
Dear Father,
I have said this so many times before in prayers to You. There is clearly a spirit in churches around the country that is testimony-friendly – whether the churches are aware of that or not.
I visited The Family Church of Mcallen, Texas and I found these words:
TFC is a place for everyone to connect, regardless of questions, doubts, backgrounds, or struggles. Our church is comprised of real people from diverse backgrounds who have experienced the transformational love of God and have come together to worship God together.
Who is it that shares a testimony? “Real people who have experienced the transformational love of God.” Father, I ask that You create more and more stories in this church. Lead people within the church to write and share their testimonies, within the congregation, and with the hurting people in their surrounding communities.
Thank You for their Celebrate Recovery, Reach, and Forgiven Motorcycle ministries. May You bless these ministries this month.
In Jesus name,