Berachah Church, Cheltenham PA

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Berachah Church, Cheltenham PA

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Dear Father,

I thank You for the blog article entitled “What’s Love All About?“, written by Dr. Emilio Marrero of Berachah Church of Cheltenham, PA.

I quote:

So if you must engage in the festivities this Valentines Day do so by sacrificing the desire to satisfy yourself and begin by forgiving someone, reconnecting with a broken relationship, treasuring your spouse as the child of God and really trying to see your loved ones through the eyes of God. Do these things and watch how love will begin to transform you from the inside out and the best thing about it is the price – it will cost you a hardened heart and give you a new outlook.

A thought came to my mind as I read that article – love is a choice.  Love is not a feeling.  Feelings wax and wane.  They change like the weather or a roller coaster.  Christ-like love is persevering, devoted, and committed.  It is a choice.

Each one of us has a story of how You are committed to us.  No matter what we do, no matter how we disappoint You, no matter how we frustrate You, You love us.  You have chosen to love us.  It is a promise You cannot break.  Father, lead the people of Berachah Church to share Your love stories, testimonies, with one another and with the people of Cheltenham.

In Jesus name,
