Concord Baptist Church, Wilmington DE

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Concord Baptist Church, Wilmington DE

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Dear Father,

I thank You for the vision of those who started Concord Baptist Church (CBC), of Wilmington, DE, in 1971.  They were inspired to meet the spiritual needs of people living in and around north Wilmington, DE.  I thank You that the church continues to be committed to that vision.

Father, I believe the sharing of a testimony is a friendly act of caring.  It is an invitation to fellowship and community.  It is a lesson about spiritual knowledge and growth.  These are the values that churches like Concord hold dear.

I pray that You will create more testimonies at CBC.  I pray that people within the congregation will share their stories with one another.  I pray for a few courageous men and women to offer to share their testimonies on the church website, to connect with the people of Wilmington who are search for answers in their deep emotional pain.

In Jesus name,
