Freedom Valley Church, Gettysburg PA

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Freedom Valley Church, Gettysburg PA

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Dear Father,

I thank You for those who carefully crafted the Freedom Valley church website.  There is both an authenticity of love and a humility about it, reflecting a congregation that has genuinely experienced the love of Jesus Christ.

Father, they write – “We are building leaders, creating healing opportunities, and stirring vision in the hearts of people.  The mission Jesus gave us is sacred, but the methods are not.  We believe we exist to reach those who don’t yet know about Jesus, and to help them understand the true gospel of Jesus Christ and the Bible!”

I thank You so much that they have published Susan’s story of healing!  Father, one of the very few churches that publish testimonies!  Bless them for this!  Bless Susan for sharing her story!  I am excited to add Freedom Valley to the list of churches who publish testimonies!

There are people in Gettysburg this very moment who are despairing of life and who need healing opportunities.  Freedom Valley church does yet not know who they are.  I ask that You lead Freedom Valley to explore a new method to reach these people – publishing testimonies on their website.  I pray You will challenge people within the church, tomorrow’s spiritual leaders, to share their testimony of how you changed their lives.  First with one another but then with the hurting in Gettysburg.

Do amazing things in 2016 at Freedom Valley, Father.  May people suffering through all kinds of adversity find compassion, grace, and mercy in this church.
