Grace Evangelical Free Church, Stamford, CT

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Grace Evangelical Free Church, Stamford, CT

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Dear Father,

I stumbled across the website of Grace Evangelical Free Church of Stamford, CT.  I watched their video.


Father, all of these messages in the video resonated with my heart about churches sharing testimonies:

Love people
Make disciples
Home to so many different people
Love the city – share important message
Brokenness is what the gospel is all about
He can heal our brokenness
Hope in our struggles
Rest for the weary
Live life to the maximum
God cares for cities
God cares about the people in a city
Issues people face are addressed by the gospel of christ
A blueprint
Gospel greatest story
Radically changes people lives
Proclaim message of hope
See lives change
Celebrates the gospel
Embraces life changing power
Become a part of the movement
Life to life issues
We desire to love god, love people, develop spiritual friendships
A journey with Jesus
Changing the city of Stamford.

Father, I pray for Your blessings on this church.  Deliver on their mission.  Bring in the people who are broken and may they find rest at this church.  I pray for a transformation in Stamford that reflects the effort and heart put into that video.  Father, inspire people within this church to share their testimonies – with one another and with the people of Stamford.

In Jesus name,
