RI Arlington

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RI Arlington

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Dear Father,

Charlie Hunsaker is a good man, one of the most humble, compassionate, and faithful men I have had the pleasure to get to know.  He has dedicated his career to help nonprofits make the right decisions for the systems to support their fundraising goals.  The fruit of Charlie’s work leads to the resources to help people in need or to train the next generation of adults.

We ask you for the following blessings on this business:

  • The leaders of RI Arlington will please you by their faith in You.
  • You will help the leaders of RI Arlington learn from their adversity and then enjoy victory over the adversities they face.
  • You will direct, empower, and resource RI Arlington to help the leaders achieve excellence in what they do.
  • You will bring those who need help with their fundraising to RI Arlington to be blessed by their excellence.
  • You will transform and bless the organizations who reach out to RI Arlington for help.
  • Those whose organizations are transformed by your work through RI Arlington will share their testimonials so others in need can be helped.

In Your Name,
