Tag Archives: lancaster pa

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Anonymous Church in York, PA area

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Dear Father,

As you know, I just spoke to a representative of a church in the York, PA area.  They expressed their desire to have their church touch hearts, grow, and make an impact on the community.  However, they declined to identify themselves on this blog.

I ask your blessing on this church and that many broken lives in the York area will be healed through their ministries.


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The Worship Center, Lancaster PA

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Dear Father,

Thank you for the heart of the Worship Center of Lancaster for people’s personal struggles. A representative of the church shared with me how they are focusing on helping people live debt free lives and to enjoy financial stability. I pray their teaching will enable people to not only have such personal experience but that the freedoms they have from financial anxiety enables them to invest more of their time in the needs of others.

Please do wonderful things at the Worship Center.

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Willow Street Mennonite Church, Lancaster PA

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Dear Father,

Oh, you are a good God. What a joy it is to call up churches and to ask them for prayer requests. By your providence I called up Willow Street Mennonite Church and was blessed to speak with Pastor Joe for a few minutes. What a kind man who clearly loves you, reminding me that your “arm is not too short”. I like that! It sounds like a future blog article.

Joe expressed thankfulness for the good things happening at the church. He gives credit to you. He thanks you for the congregational unity and the steady stream of new people coming to the church. He expresses thanks for the soon-to-be-completed building program as the 305 year-old church will shortly move into a new sanctuary.

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Evangelical Seminary, Myerstown PA

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Dear Father,

I thank you for the hearts that are drawn to seminary, whose career ambition is to bring hope and healing to other people.  I ask you to bless each student and alumnus of Evangelical Seminary, that they will so impact the lives of the broken that they leave behind wonderful stories of recovery and healing in the people they touch.

I ask for your favor today on the representative of the seminary I spoke with.  Give him success today in his endeavors for you.


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Water Street Ministries

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Dear Father,

God almighty, we call on you to get our men and women off the street!  As winter approaches throughout our nation, give them the warmth of the experience of your love and the full stomach of hope.  Turn them into tomorrow’s inspiring stories of business and community leaders who lead our communities to a place of compassion and mercy for the poor and despairing.  Show anyone sleeping on a sidewalk that you can erase their past and build a future of purpose and meaning.

We ask you for the following blessings on this charity:

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